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Friday Link-Up

By November 22, 2013Books, CrossFit, Food, Friday Link-up

Haven’t done one of these in forever! Because I’ve been training more in the past few months, some of my other favorite activities — like reading blogs, kind of fell by the wayside. Now that I’m not training for anything immediate (other than life), I’m finally getting a little caught up, and thought I’d share some of the awesome things I’m coming across.

Sage advice from the coffee today...

  • Shopping for something for your favorite CrossFit athlete? WOD Talk put together an awesome guide. {via WOD Talk}
  • I joked with Ashley yesterday that I always want to make her recipes but know I’ll be disappointed when they don’t look as pretty as her pictures. That being said, you should definitely try her latest, a Pumpkin Pie Milkshake with Cinnamon Maple Coconut Whipped Cream. {via Edible Perspective}
  • In my next life, I want to be Miranda Oldroyd. Check out her amazing 2:16 “Fran.”. {via CrossFit HQ YouTube}
  • Definitely a good reminder to set up routines and be conscious and intentional about your training: Jon Gilson’s 10 Tips to Train Even Smarter. {via Again Faster}
  • A reminder that in fitness, we all start somewhere. {via MentalityWOD}
  • Just in time for the holidays: Healthy Holiday Recipes E-Book: 24 Paleo Recipes for Any Occasion [FREE!] {via Balanced Bites}
  • Kelly’s Apple Dumplings — what more needs to be said? {via Design Crush}
  • My coach is not only awesome, but completely hilarious. I have watched this video of his most recent snatch PR at least a dozen times. It will make you smile.
  • And finally, we finished off our latest jar of raw kraut from the Farmer’s Market, and I’m thinking of giving it a try for myself. I found a good tutorial, but has anyone else ever tried this before? Would love to hear other experiences.