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Meal Planning (4/19-4/25)


I feel like a broken record, but time is really flying this month. As I was typing in the date range for this meal planning post, I can’t help but think that Beeb will soon have been on the “outside” as long as she was on the “inside” — is that weird? I’m weird.

And again, like a broken record, we are super busy this week: Neil is on-call, has after-hours work, and freelance work along with mowing. My week is relatively tame, but that means I’m on baby duty. We got caught up on outstanding freelance over the weekend, but I just have this feeling (maybe it has something to do with this) that our week is about to get even more hectic.

Roughly $65 so far, with ingredients for lunches, breakfasts, etc. and some fun stuff like drinks and snacks. We saved a TON because there was a super sale on Chicken at Lucky’s. What did we do before Lucky’s?


Pizza Date Night: Part Deux


Crockpot Orange Chicken with Rice


Leftover Crockpot Orange Chicken with Rice


Leftover Crockpot Orange Chicken with Rice


TBD Meat and steamed veggies


TBD Meat and steamed veggies


Pizza Date Night

Beeb Food

We suspect that Beeb has or is preparing to hit some kind of growth spurt. She put away a TON of food over the weekend. Just non-stop hungry, definitely more irritable and short of patience. She is super close to crawling and we suspect this is all connected.


I made a batch of a mixture of sweet po, squash, and broccoli. She loved it so I’m excited to put that into rotation. Still rocking a ton of meat from our mid-week batch cook last week, so I suspect we’ll be good on food for a few weeks — unless this eating trend continues.


Over the weekend, we let her try organic Toasty-O’s (Cheerios) and they were a hit. We’re still working on her pinch grip and putting smaller items toward her mouth. So close!

Happy eats this week!